Abstract……………………………………………………………………………… (1)
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. (1)
IcecreamSwap Bridge……………………………………………………………….. (3)
Chains currently supported on IcecreamSwap Bridge……………………… (3)
Tokens available on IcecreamSwap Bridge (Bridge expansion)………..… (4)
Basic steps on How to bridge on Icecreamswap bridge…………………… (5)
Ongoing bridge community activities…………………………………………. (8)
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….. (11)
Since the advent of the Bitcoin back in 2009, Blockchain technology has evolved over the years.
Currently we have more than 50+ Different blockchains, now the question is how do these blockchains designed with different programming languages interact with each other and how do one transfer a tokens form one blockchain to another?
Well the answer is simple “BLOCKCHAIN BRIDGE”
We will start by explaining the “Blockchain” and “Blockchain Bridge”.
What is a Blockchain?
Blockchain simply put is a type of Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) that consists of growing list of records that is managed by a peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network for use as a public distributed ledger, where nodes collectively adhere to a consensus algorithm protocol to add and validate new transaction blocks.
What is a Blockchain Bridge?
A blockchain bridge is a connection that permits the transfer /conversion of tokens and/or arbitrary data/NFTs from one different blockchain to another. The blockchains in question can have different protocols, rules and governance models, but the bridge provides a more compatible way of inter-operating securely on both Blockchains without losing data/funds.
In other-words a blockchain bridge serves a portal between two different blockchains (eg Bitgert chain and Binance chain, Bitgert chain and Ethereum chain, etc).
Currently there are more than 50+ Blockchains of which Bitgert(BRC-20) is among. Different blockchains are developed using different programming languages and have different working protocols. With the current trend in cryptocurrency, there is need for different blockchains with different protocols to work together, in other to promote user/mass adoption, interoperability and technological relevance, this is where the “ICECREAMSWAP BRIDGE” comes in.
IcecreamSwap, the first decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Bitgert blockchain with unique features has incorporated into their platform “A blockchain bridge”.
The Icecreamswap bridge allows Users to swap different tokens between Bitgert chain and other chains at an outstanding low fee of 1% “WoW”.
The Icecreamswap bridge currently supports only tokens but will extend to NFTs soon. website: https://bridge.icecreamswap.com
Currently, IcecreamSwap supports Bitgert chain (BRC-20) and Binance smart chain (Bsc), more chain will be added with time.
Initially, the IcecreamSwap bridge supported only $ICE, $USDT and $USDC but currently the Bridge has been expanded to support other tokens (you know what that means right??? More flavor).
IcecreamSwap has developed and deployed Ice pegged Tokens (Ie i-Tokens). The i-Tokens are 1:1 of the actual tokens (USDTi=USDT).
With the expansion of the icecreamSwap bridge, the following tokens with their contract address can be bridged using the icecreamSwap bridge;
USDTi <> USDT: 0xC7E6d7E08A89209F02af47965337714153c529F0
USDCi <> USDC: 0xaEdD3Ff7b9Fc5fc4e44d140b80f0B1C7FdB6102c
BUSDi<>BUSD: 0xd0CE781960c6356A7175988751bfC8d7cd28EA60
LUNG<>LUNG: 0xc3b730dD10A7e9A69204bDf6cb5A426e4f1F09E3
BNBi<>BNB: 0x74446a7418BFbFCDe3F1f6bCaFFA097d050a6dD8
ETHi<>ETH: 0xeA61Dc96F105469522d39cBF7bD59b42393678F7
DAIi<>DAI: 0x71Ef0A490E53Cc177F640169b0347Be4d0f23cc9
DOGEi<>DOGE: 0x46a8E16dB8Bb241618873bCA21Ef02F120EA4125
SHIBi<>SHIB: 0x74446a7418BFbFCDe3F1f6bCaFFA097d050a6dD8
NB; the suffix “i” represents IcecreamSwap flavored tokens and it’s generated once we bridge any of the listed tokens above from BSC-20 to BRC-20
More tokens will be added soon….
All thanks to icecreamSwap, Bitgert chain users can now bridge in and out of any token of their choice at a very cost effective price.
- ) Create a wallet address: Do this by downloading metamask for mobile or by installing metamask extension on your web browsers like firefox, chrome, Brave,etc. Then create a new wallet or import your old wallet.
2.) Add the Bitgert or Icecreamswap Network: Go to the Settings and then Network, click on the add a network button.
Use the following Configuration to setup your Bitgert network;
Network name: Bitgert Network Powered by IcecreamSwap
New RPC URL: https://rpc.icecreamswap.com
Chain Id: 32520
Currency symbol: Brise
Block Explorer URL: https://brisescan.com/ (Optional)
Then save your new network.
3.) Getting Brise for gas fee: The Brise token will serve as a gas fee when bridging from Bitgert (Brc-20) to Binance smart chain (Bsc-20).
You can request for Brise on icecreamSwap Telegram, and you will be funded with enough Brise that you can use for bridging for ages (The simplest method).
NB: In the nearest future users will be automatically funded with Brise once they want to bridge on icecreamSwap.
4.) Bridging from Bitgert (Brc-20) to Binance smart chain (Bep-20):
i. Go to Icecreamswap website bridge page: https://bridge.icecreamswap.com/#/transfer
ii. Change your Metamask network to Bitgert chain (Described above).
iii. Click on “Connect wallet” button and connect your Metamask wallet.
Since your metamask is on Bitgert chain network, the Home network will be locked as Bitgert, while the destination network will be Any network (currently Binance Smart chain, more chains will be added soon…)
NB: once metamask is connected to the bridge the Destination Address will be filled with the your metamask wallet address, this can be changed to another address of your choice by toggling the “I want to send funds to my address” Box below.
iv. Select the Token you want to bridge (From the list of the i-Tokens, more tokens will be added soon..) and then input the amount of token you want to Bridge.
v. Click the “Transfer” Button below and follow the metamask pop-up instructions to approve your transaction.
NB: Make sure to have some Brise for gas fee.
vi. Your bridge is complete you can go to either Brisescan or Bscscan to scan your wallet address, this will show the bridged token from the i-tokens (Brc-20) to Token itself (Bep-20)(Eg from BNBi To BNB).
5.) Bridging from Binance smart chain (Bep-20) to Bitgert chain (Brc-20):
The steps are virtually the same as the one listed above.
i. Go to Icecreamswap website bridge page: https://bridge.icecreamswap.com/#/transfer
ii. Change metamask Network to Binance smart chain (Bsc)
iii. Click on “Connect wallet” button and connect your Metamask wallet.
Since your metamask is on Binance smart chain network, the Home network will be locked as Binance smart chain, while the destination network will be Any network (currently Bitgert chain, more chains will be added soon…)
NB: once metamask is connected to the bridge the Destination Address will be filled with the your metamask wallet address, this can be changed to another address of your choice by toggling the “I want to send funds to my address” Box below .
iv. Select the Token you want to bridge (From the list of the supported tokens, more tokens will be added soon..) and then input the amount of token you want to Bridge.
v. Click the “Transfer” Button below and follow the metamask pop-up instructions to approve your transaction.
NB: make sure to have some BNB for gas fee.
vi. Your bridge is complete you can go to either Bscscan or Brisescan to scan your wallet address, this will show the bridged token from the Token itself(Bep-20) to i-Token (Bep-20)(Eg from BNBi To BNB).
Following the expansion of the icecreamSwap bridge, the community members have been encouraged to migrate their Brc-20 versions of USDT and USDC to the IcecreamSwap flavored versions USDTi and USDCi (i-Tokens) and also to add liquidity to any pair of their choice (eg ICE-USDTi or ICE-USDCi pairs).
Those who do so are eligible for a tasty Icecreamswap Airdrop “WoW”.
Step1: Bridge the Bitgert versions of either USDC or USDT to Binance versions of USDC and USDT using the Bitgert bridge and copy the transaction hash.
Step2: Bridge the Binance versions of USDC and USDT Back to the Icecreamswap flavored versions (ie USDCi and USDTi) using the Icecreamswap bridge and copy the transaction hash.
Step3: Then add and supply liquidity pair of either ICE-USDTi or ICE-USDCi and copy the transaction hash.
Step4: Finally send the 3 transaction hashes to @SAMI_Icecreamswap or @Call_Me_ShiShem Telegram username.
NB: At the end of the migration period $ICE valued 3% of the token value will be distribute to compensate for the bridging fees.
In general the IcecreamSwap bridge serves as a portal between blockchains, allowing the transfer/swapping of both token and/or NFTs between two different Blockchains, Icecreamswap bridge currently supports only Binance smart chain and Bitgert chain, more chains will be added soon..
it is important to note that since the launch of the icecreamSwap bridge no Transaction has been reported to be stuck, kudos to the icecreamSwap team.
Useful links
Website: https://icecreamswap.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/Icecreamswap_com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/icecream_swap
Discord: https://twitter.com/icecream_swap
Bitgert website: https://bitgert.com/
Brisescan: $ICE
ICE Info: $ICE
Icecreamswap Team publications @ 2022