With our team of developers focusing on building and developing our Dex to the premium standard, we are thrilled to announce that IceCreamSwap info and analytics page for XDC network is now live.
The IceCreamSwap info & Analytical page is one of the on-chain services we offer to the various chains we support. Our analytics page for XDC network will serves as an on-chain data display, showcasing the different transactions carried out on the XDC network.
Our analytical page is integrated into our Dex, so that users can trade and also access various data on the XDC network all in one interface, the analytics page is also designed to incorporate the vital sections of every transaction on XDC blockchain.
NB: IceCreamSwap info and analytics page is live on both Core and Bitgert chain.
Various sections of the IceCreamSwap info & analytics page for XDC network.
The sections on the IceCreamSwap analytics page for XDC network is divided into 3; Overview , Pools and Tokens sections
This shows the summary of all the important transactions on XDC network done through IceCreamSwap Dex, it include the following;
The Liquidity chart: This is a graphical representation of the total liquidity provided on IceCreamSwap Dex for XDC network, it is a combination of both liquidity farming and staking pools. The liquidity chart shows the daily liquidity on our Dex within the past 30 days.
Volume (24hr): This shows the daily trading volume on IceCreamSwap Dex for XDC network within the past 30 days, the high spikes shows a high trading volume while the low spike shows a low trading volume.
NB: Trading volume is a combination of both buys and sells.
Top token section: This shows the highest traded token in terms of trading volume within the past 24hrs on XDC network.
Top Pools: This shows the highest liquidity pool traded within the last 24hrs in terms of trading volume on the XDC network.
Transactions section: This shows the overall on-chain transaction done on XDC network through IceCreamSwap Dex, it shows transactions such as; Swaps, Adding liquidity, Removing liquidity.
NB: The transaction also has a redirect button that redirects users to the XDC explorer for more detailed transaction details.
This shows all the liquidity pools created by different projects listed on IceCreamSwap Dex, the pools are arranged in a descending order according to their 24hrs volume. This section also has a watchlist area that shows users saved pools.
This section shows a list of all the tokens listed on IceCreamSwap, the list is arranged according to the 24hrs trading volume of each token.
There is also a watchlist area where users on the XDC network can view their saved tokens.
Users on XDC network can search for both pools and tokens listed on IceCreamSwap Dex, the search area saves users the time spent on browsing through every token or pool page.
In conclusion, The IceCreamSwap info and analytics page for XDC network is a very useful blockchain tool that users on XDC network can utilize to check for on chain transactions such as; current token price, pools, recent swaps, etc. The analytics page is integrated into our Dex to give XDC users “The all in one DeFi solution”.
XDC analytics link:
Useful Links:
IceCreamSwap medium:
IceCreamSwap wiki:
XDC analytics link:
XDC scan/explorer: