We are trilled to announce that Akka Finance, a Web 3 smart routing algorithm service is now live on the IceCreamSwap Dex. This integration with Akka finance will ensure that traders/investors receives the best rate by limiting the effect of price impact while trading on the Dex.
Akka Finance is an AI powered smart routing service provider, that uses algorithm via Route-Splitting and Volume-Splitting to provide a hassle-free and cost efficient Defi trading.
Having launched before as standalone using the IceCreamSwap Dex architecture, the Akka Finance is now fully integrated into IceCreamSwap Dex,and is now providing full trading arbitrage for users on the Dex.
The newly integrated Akka algorithm saves more money for users by:
(a) Finding the best route output for the user to pick within milliseconds “Route splitting” (For instance if a user wants to swap $USDTi to $ICE, the Akka smart router instead of swapping directly the $USDTi to ICE will look for a better intermediary token with less price impact to swap to before swapping to the $ICE token in milliseconds).
(b) Splitting of large volume trades into smaller unit across different liquidity pools, thereby reducing the average price impact “Volume-Splitting”. This is very vital especially when trading with large volume.
Akka Finance automatic Arbitrage execution
This uses an automatic smart routing algorithm to exploit the tiny differences in price between tokens in milliseconds, thereby saving more for its user.
Different Tokens have different pools with specific liquidity, and swapping virtually involves shifting liquidity from one token (Input token) to the another token (Output token). Due to this effect at some point a slight price difference exist between these tokens. Lets say for instance the price of $1 USDTi when converted to USDCi is $1 USDCi , and then majority of traders were selling their $USDTi to $ICE (I.e Buying $ICE), while fewer or No traders where selling their $USDCi to buy $ICE. This will cause a slight negative fall in the value of $USDTi, and as such the price of $1 USDTi will fall below that of the $1 USDCi (lets say $1 USDCi will now equate $0.9 USDTi). Therefore if a user sells $1000 USDCi to $USDTi he will receive $1111 USDTi, instead of $1000 USDTi. Therefore the User will make an Extra $111 USDT.
This arbitrage opportunities often exits between different token pairs (eg swapping form USDTi to ICE or USDCi or BRISE or YPC,etc), the user have to manually search for the swapping pair that will give him/her the best OUTPUT RATE, this is where the Akka smart router comes in.
The Akka Finance Smart routing service within milliseconds, automatically exploits this arbitrage opportunities by routing the Input token across multiple different pools with the best output.
Swapping $1000 USDT to ICE
Here the pictures above show the different arbitrage pools followed by the Akka smart router in distributing the $1000 USDT, in other to give the user the Best rate:
1% goes through USDT>WBRISE>ICE
1% goes through WBRISE>BNBi>ICE
21%> Directly to ICE
At the end the Akka smart router using the automatic arbitrage algorithm saves Extra $36.569 when swapping $1000 USDT to $ICE.
In conclusion, The partnership with Akka Finance makes IceCreamSwap Dex to become the First and only Decentralized exchange that has directly integrated this super money saving algorithm . The Biggest Dex on Bitgert is undeniably living up to its expectations, More developments are coming soon…stay tuned!!!.
Here is The AMA recap video between IceCreamSwap Dex and Akka Finance on 9/12/22:
Useful links:
Akka Finance:
official medium:
Brisescan: $ICE
IceCreamSwap info : $ICE
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