The IceCreamSwap team specially congratulates Core Dao on their successful Mainnet Launch, and we are also happy to answering the question in the mouth of every IceCreamSwap Community member which is “When Core Launch??”
Currently, the Launching of any project on Core Dao chain is scheduled after the Core Dao Airdrop campaign for early adapters (Miners), as such NO projects have currently launched on Core Dao chain yet. We are expecting to be among the first Decentralized Exchange (DEX) projects on the Core Dao chain.
NB: Our team of programmers are ready for public deployment on Core Dao network and we will be live before the Core Dao AirDrop happens.
About IceCreamSwap Dex
IceCreamSwap Dex is a highly secured multichain decentralized exchanged (Dex) that offer; Swap, Staking, Farming, Bridge, Launchpad, Analytical services, and more on 6 different chains (Bitgertchain, XDC Network, Fuse Network, Bsc, Dogechain, and Dokenchain ).
IceCreamSwap was initially launched as the first Dex on the Bitgertchain (Brc-20). Currently, we are the Biggest Dex on Bitgert chain (Brc-20).
$ICE is the Governance token of the IceCreamSwap Dex, it has total supply of 10 million across all chains, The $ICE token is currently tradable on the Dex. Users can earn $ICE by staking and adding liquidity to any token of their choice.
The $ICE token being our governance token grows with our project and lets users financially participate on our expansions.
About Core Dao Chain
Core Dao chain is a community oriented Decentralized network that utilizes its newly designed Web 3. Powered consensus “SATOSHI PLUS ” (a model that utilizes a validator election mechanism to combine the optimal features of Proof of Work (PoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) in order to ensure the maximization of security, scalability, and decentralization on chain).
The goal of Core Dao can be summarized into producing a Secure, scalable, and decentralized digital currency based on transparency, and self-sovereignty for all.
Many projects such as IceCreamSwap Dex is expected to utilize this unique Hybrid model of blockchain developed by Core Dao Network.
Core Dao Governance System
The $CORE with a Total supply of 21Billion is the Governance Token of the Core Dao Network, it will serve as the Voting power and the Native token of the Core Dao Network.
NB: $CORE will be fully tradable on IceCreamSwap Dex.
What to expect from IceCreamSwap Dex launch on Core Chain.
Having built the necessary platform/utilities to facilitate interoperability on the Core Dao chain. Below is the summary of what IceCreamSwap Dex will be offering to the Core Dao community, project owners and investors following its launching on The Core Dao Chain:
- Swift Trading experience:
At IceCreamSwap Dex, we ensured that our Swap was designed to be intuitive, secure and reliable, such that even DeFi starters without any trading experiences can easily make use of our Dex.
We also integrated the latest smart Dex Aggregator/router developed by AKKA on our Dex (this will save a lot of extra cash for users by splitting input tokens across different route with enough liquidity thereby limiting the drastic effect of price impact/spillage).
- Incentivized Farming with Massive APY%:
IceCreamSwap Farm has been incentivized with massive APY% for liquidity providers. Therefore by just providing liquidity to any token of their choice, Users on Core Dao Network can begin to earn passively on IceCreamSwap Dex.
One unique feature of the IceCreamSwap farm, is that the Farm reward can be harvested anytime instant directly to user’s wallet address.
NB: The farm is not time-locked so users can supply or remove liquidity anytime they want.
- IceCreamSwap Multi-Chain Bridge:
IceCreamSwap Dex also offer MultiChain Bridging services, our Bridge was built to be impervious to any form of attacks, as each line of code was scrutinized and carefully analyzed to prevent any form of vulnerability. we currently provide bridging support on more than 5+ different Unique chains ( I.e Bitgertchain, Bsc, Fuse Network, Dogechain, Dokenchain, XDC chain), Users/projects on Core Dao Network can easily bridge across these different chains supported on our Dex.
- IceCreamSwap MultiChain Gas-Fee Tipping Bot:
The IceCreamSwap Team putting into consideration the stress of obtaining Native token (eg. $CORE) by community members, have invented and designed “The First ever Multichain gas-fee tipper Bot” which tips users free native tokens for the payment of gas fee. Therefore Users on Core Dao Network need not to worry about gas fee while bridging on our Dex. This is the first of its kind in the whole crypto-space.
- IceCreamSwap Info/Analytics Page:
We also offer Analytic services (Info Page) where Core Dao. Users can check for different on chain pools , Tokens , their current prices, liquidity, trading volume, transaction history, Top gainer and much more.
NB: We are also supported on Gecko Terminal, therefore users can also keep track of their tokens using our Gecko terminal link.
- IceCreamSwap Launchpad Services:
IceCreamSwap Dex will also be offering “Launchpad Services” that will enable clean start-up of New projects on the Core Dao chain.
NB: For more info contact any of the IceCreamSwap Moderators on telegram.
- Airdrop Bot:
Projects on Core Dao Network that wishes to Airdrop tokens to their community member can do so using “ The IceCreamSwap Bulk instant Airdrop Bot”
This tool can calculate and distribute precisely amount of the reward tokens to multtiple wallet address within a short period of time.
NB: To make use of this service contact any of the IceCreamSwap moderators on our official telegram group chat https://t.me/IceCreamSwap_com.
-In summary, At IceCreamSwap we keep building, expect more from us… And our launching on Core Dao Network will open more windows of opportunity for both Users/Investors of Core Dao and IceCreamSwap communities.
#IceCreamSwap #CoreDao #ICE #Dex #Blockchain
Useful Links:
Website: https://IceCreamSwap.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/IceCreamSwap_com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/icecream_swap
IceCreamSwap medium: https://icecream-swap.medium.com/
IceCreamSwap info : $ICE
Core Dao website: coredao.org
Core Dao explorers: https://scan.coredao.org/